How To Exercise On A Stationary Bike To Lose Weight [Infographic]

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According to statistics, women spend 80% of the time in the year in the weight loss process. And this is not surprising. In the spring and summer period, fair sex representatives are actively preparing for the beach season in the fall – for the new year in the winter – for March 8. However, this weight loss is not always effective – so the rain does not allow you to ride a bike, and then there is no time to go to the gym.

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For those who want to get rid of excess weight without leaving home, there is an exercise bike – a home instructor and an assistant in weight loss. However, the exercise bike – a multifaceted projectile. With this, you can lose weight or increase your leg muscles – it all depends on the exercise technique. But first, let’s try to find out why the static bike?

The Benefits of Exercise Bike

Exercise Bike

This type of sports simulator allows you to lose weight comfortably – that is, sitting. For many lazy people, this is a pretty heavy argument. In addition, obese people with a large excess of mass can not worry about their knees, like when they are running. The bike is suitable for people with great weight, as well as for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. You can set the simulator to an economical mode so that the load on the column is minimal. helps you to know more about the benefits of the exercise bike.

Despite the fact that we sit on the exercise bike, this sport is considered cardiovascular exercise. That is, cardio exercises (cycling, running, aerobics) allow us to burn accomeulated fats. Exercise Bike – the perfect assistant in fat burning. Regular exercise on the exercise bike helps strengthen the heart, develop endurance, and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

The exercise bike perfectly trains the muscles of the legs. Exercise at the limit of your abilities speeds up your metabolism and increases your total daily calorie consumption. And if such intense workouts are done regularly, it speeds up your metabolism, allowing you to lose weight even faster.

Many women have problematic areas on the lower body – legs, buttocks, thighs. The main advantage of an exercise bike is that it trains precisely the problem areas of the female body. After a few weeks of regular classes, you will notice that the body has become noticeably tighter, has become more prominent and attractive.

When there is an exercise bike at home – you can practice at any time of day or night, you do not have to go to the gym and look for time to practice. In addition, the unit does not take up much space – it’s compact and convenient. Pedal And Watch Your Favorite Series – Losing Weight Has Never Been Easier!

How Many Calories Are Burned On A Stationary Bike

This is one of the most frequently asked questions women ask when they enter the gym. With a light load, when a woman pedals with a speed of 15-20 km / h, she burns about 300-450 kcal per hour, depending on her weight. The more weight – more calorie consumption. With heavy load, when the speed of the exercise bike is 30 to 35 km / h, the calories are burned much faster. For one hour such an active charge can burn from 500 to 900 kcal. And if you consider that one kilogram of human fat is 9,000 kilocalories, you can calculate approximately how many grams of overweight you dropped today with the help of a single bike.

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When is it better to do

The answer is when you have time. However, if you take some time to train in the morning, before the main breakfast, it will be much more effective. After all, in the morning there is no glycogen in the blood, so with the charge, the fat starts to burn immediately. At night, you will first have to burn glycogen for 20 minutes, and then the body will begin to “give up” the accomeulated fat. But by doing a morning workout, remember that you need to start with a moderate speed so as not to disturb the heart in the morning with excessive loads. Everything is done gradually.

How to Exercise on a Stationary Bike to Lose Weight

  • There are several rules and tips that will help you as quickly as possible to lose those extra pounds with the help of an exercise bike.
  • To lose weight with an exercise bike, remember that the load should be systematic and regular. The time of a workout should not be less than 40 minutes.
  • To lose weight on a stationary bike was effective, you need to calculate your maximum pulse. To do this, subtract 220 your age. For example, a 30-year-old’s maximum pulse is 190 beats per minute. To lose weight, you need to reach 60% of your maximum heart rate. That is, 190×0.6 = 114. By adhering to this wrist during a workout, you will ensure the maximum effective fat burning regime. If you reduce the load, you receive normal training to strengthen the cardiovascular system. If you increase – you will train the body for endurance.
  • Start training with a light load level. Heating and hitching should be smooth and gradual.
  • In the initial phase, you need to get involved three times a week for 30 to 40 minutes. Then, over time, it is necessary to increase the training time and the speed of the stationary bicycle. When muscles are ready, you can start practicing every day.

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How to Eat to Lose Weight on a Stationary Bike

With any workout, it is important to understand that you can only lose weight with a calorie deficit. If you eat for three then no workout will help you. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you spend in a day. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty foods and high-calorie, eat more plant foods, meat, cereals. They give saturation and energy. It is better to eat frequently but in small portions.

Drink more water – it eliminates the body’s breakdown products and speeds up the weight loss process. There is no need to fill the night – you will not have time to spend those calories and they will happily be deposited at your side. For dinner, protein foods are preferable – meat, cottage cheese, beans. And try to burn calories not just on a stationary bike – look for any possibility of physical activity. Go on foot more often, do not use the elevator, give up for a while from the car.

Buy an exercise bike

  • Exercise bikes are of three types, each of which differs from others in price and principle of operation.
  • The exercise bike is a simple “battle horse”. It has an attractive price and is easy to use.
  • Exercise bike with a magnetic system. Unlike the previous type of exercise bike – it is a quite modern and convenient unit. The magnetic system provides a simulator a smoother course.
  • The electromagnetic system is installed in the most expensive and modern simulators. Such exercise bikes are equipped with monitors to simulate cycling on various types of terrain. Such exercise bikes allow you to install a program of various intensities, including interval load mode.


Fitness Training with Bike Infographic

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