SSC Result 2022 Bangladesh – All Education Board

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SSC results in 2022 Bangladesh of all Education Board will be published soon here. SSC result 2022 Bangladesh most probably will be published on 28 December 2022. The secondary school certificate in short SSC and equivalent examinations of 2022 under the vocational board started on 3rd February 2022 (Tuesday).

SSC Result 2022 Bangladesh

You will get all education boards’ SSC results for 2022 in the below list. Click on the individual vote to get the individual Education Board result. SSC result 2022 Bangladesh is a massive event for all the examinees and candidates for HSC Exam.

This year new rule is applied for SSC students in 2022. SSC students must be in halls 30 minutes before the exam. Education Minister Dipu Moni said that the students who fail to reach the exam center before 30 minutes of starting the exam could not sit for that exam.

The very shocking news for countries is there for this SSC exam, Facebook and Twitter will stop for the time being. As we are social beings, we have to use Facebook for daily purposes, and for this SSC exam 2022, we have to sacrifice the use of Facebook.

Check SSC Result 2022 Online

Check SSC Result 2022 Individual Result

Check SSC Result 2022 Online

When will we publish the SSC result in 2022?

Many students are asking me when will publish the SSC results in 2022. If you want to assume the date of the SSC result in 2022, please see the SSC result of the last four years. All the result of SSC exam is published on 1st week of May. This year, most probably, the SSC result of 2022 will be published on 5th May 2022.

SSC result 2022 Bangladesh Education Board –

Bangladesh Education Board has started a new website to publish the SSC result for 2022. The website is an official website and which is Besides this website Education Board has started separate results giving the website for an individual divisional education website.

Bangladesh Education Board Code Name

DHA = Dhaka Board

BAR = Barisal Board

SYL = Sylhet Board

COM = Comilla Board

CHI= Chittagong Board

RAJ = Rajshahi Board

JES = Jessore   Board

DIN = Dinajpur Board

MAD = Madrasah Board

How to get the SSC result 2022 by SMS?

If you want to get the SSC result 2022 by SMS format, please follow the below rule. You have to go to SMS option then open new message and type

SSC/Alim <space> First 3 Character of Education Board <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 and should send it to 16222.

Example: SSC DHA 528751 2022 and send it to 16222

Some people last year got the result early in the SMS method before publishing on the website. So you should send a copy of SMS before trying the website to get the SSC result.

The pass rate among the boys and girls worries

Analyzing the SSC result of the first 2 to 3 years concerned the parents. Girls are doing better than boys. The main reason for doing good in the examination for girls is, girls are giving more time to education. It’s a good sign, isn’t it? Our education minister Nurul Islam Nahid praises the result of girls.

The pass rates for the girls and the boys are 80.78 and 79.93 percent.

Girls Vs Boys - SSC Result 2017
Girls Vs. Boys – SSC Result 2017

Different Educational Board SSC Result Official Website Address

SSC Pass Rates Last 2 year
SSC Pass Rates Last 2 year

Dhaka Education Board SSC Result

Dhaka Education Board published the Dhaka Education Board Result of SSC 2022. official website for getting the Dhaka based secondary school certificate schools. We have published another special post only for Dhaka board Student, Check the link.

SSC Result 2022 Check Online – Dhaka Education Board

Official website:

Barisal Education Board SSC Result

Barisal Education Board will publish the Barisal board based Education Result of SSC 2022. The last five years of SSC results are compared, and it is seen that last year in 2017 SSC pass rate slightly declined from the SSC passed rate in 2016. In 2017 the total GPA5 holders’ number was 2288 compared to GPA 5 of 2016, which is 3113.

Official website:

Sylhet Education Board SSC Result

Sylhet Education Board is efficient in SSC examination comparing the last two years of pass rate in 2017 pass rate is still declined. In 2016 the SSC exam pass rate was 84.77%, whereas in 2017 pass rate declined, and it becomes 80.26%. The total GPA of 5 in 2016 in 2266, and in 2017 GPA 5 increase to 2663, which is remarkable for the Education Board. In the Sylhet board, the pass rate declines, but the total GTA 5 number increases.

Official website:

Comilla Education Board SSC Result

In the last 2017 Comilla Education Board SSC result was a disaster. The pass rate declined from 84 to 59. Which is undoubtedly the disaster of the last 50 years in the Comilla Education Board. The GPA of 5 holders’ rate was also declined. In 2016 there are 6954 GPA 5 holders, which decline to 4450 in 2017.

English and mathematics are two subjects that cause this massive disaster. This debacle in the Comilla board caused frustration for students as well as their parents.

Official website:

Chittagong Education Board SSC Result

Chittagong Education Board holds the consistency of GPF and results. Comparing the last two year, which is 2016 and 17 past rate slightly falls. Do the pass rate Falls the number of GPF holders increases. In 2016 the pass rate was 90%, which declined to 83% in 2017. But the total number of GTA V holders is increased. In 2016 7666 students got GTA 5, and in 2017, it increased to 8344.

Official website:

Rajshahi Education Board SSC Result

Rajshahi Education Board holds the highest pass rate among the SSC result 2016 and 17. In 2016 the Everest pass rate of SSC candidates was about 95%, and in 2017 the SSC pass rate was 90%, which is the highest among all the Board of Education Board of Bangladesh. After the Dhaka board result, he is the only board that processes that 10000 GPA of 5 holders. In 2016 the total number of GPF students was 17594, which declines slightly in 2017 to 17349.

Official website:

Jessore Education Board SSC Result

Jessore Education Board is the toughest education board in Bangladesh. In 2016 the pass rate was 91%, which declines to 80% in 2017. Similarly, with the pass rate, the number of GPA 5 holders is also decreased. In 2016 the total number of GPF 5 holders’ was 9444, which declines in 2017 to 6460.

Official website:

Dinajpur Education Board SSC Result

Dinajpur Education Board is a relatively new Education Board. In 2016 the average pass rate was 89%, which declines to 83% in 2017. The number of GTA 5 students in 2016 was 8899, which declines in 2017 to 6929.

Official website:

Madrasah and Technical boards SSC Result

The pass rate in the Madrasa board came down to 76.20% from 2016’s 88.22 percent. A total of 2,610 students secured GPA-5 in 2017. The number was 5,895 in 2016.

Some 1.93 lakh out of 2.53 lakh came out successful in Dakhil examinations.

In the Technical board, 106,239 students took part in SSC (vocational) and Dakhil (vocational) exams. The pass rate is 78.69 percent against last year’s 83.11 percent. A total of 4,187 students got GPA-5 this year. Some 7,097 got the highest grade last year.

Official website: Education Board – Madrasah Education Board

After the government has started the new question, which is the creative question (the government said) has a great experimental effect on the result.

Stay tuned with us to get the latest update on the SSC result 2022 of Bangladesh. Please follow our Facebook page, Shout Me Crunch. In the future, we will give more analytics and research about the previous five years of SSC results and will give the final conclusion of the SSC results in 2022. If you have any questions about SSC 2022, feel free to ask them in comments.

SSC Result 2022 Recheck Scrutiny Procedure & Result

Please check the post, SSC 2022 Rescrutiny Procedure, for detailed instructions for sending the SMS for subjects and SMS format. The only thing you need to remember, you can use only Teletalk SIM to send that SMS, the contact number can be different from Teletalk. Check regularly the post for SSC Rescrutiny Result 2022 for an individual board.


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