Internet Services To Help College Students Remote Learning

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The pandemic has brought in a wave of change for everyone and everything. From offices opting to work from home to schools going in for remote learning, everyone seems to be adapting to the new change.

The change may have changed the way of living but has not made living stagnant. The human race is finding new ways to deal with things while fighting the pandemic. One such area where things did not stop working is the ‘learning area.’

Schools and colleges molded themselves excellently for remote learning. The teachers were trained, and so were the students to adapt to the new normal. With remote learning came new systems to integrate and make remote learning easy. The existing software updated themselves, and new software emerged from companies to support remote learning.

In this article, we will go through some of the internet services that can help college students and ease their remote learning process. These online services can be customized according to individuals and their classes. They also help in making the remote learning journey process interesting and joyful.

Thesis Geek is one such help that helps in writing assignments. Their writers are well-versed and have all the requirements to make your article look appealing to your professors.

So, now let’s look at some other popular internet services.

Internet Services To Help College Students Remote Learning

#1 Google Classroom

Google is a giant company and is known to make people’s life easy. Even during the pandemic, Google came to the rescue. Google classroom existed for a long time but was thoroughly used during these times.

The UI of google classroom is excellent and very easy to use. It is a perfect virtual classroom. Herein you have different classes created with different IDs, students can upload their assignments and homework in various extensions, teachers can assess the students virtually, and everything is immaculately laid out.

There are even things to do like change your background, create themes, make announcements, sync calendars, etc.

#2 Udemy

Udemy has gained a lot of popularity as it has courses for everyone. They are affordable, and all you need is a laptop and an Udemy account. Udemy has basically so many courses that you cannot even think of. And if you are taking regular university classes but are stuck somewhere, this app will rescue you.

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You can even opt for the course and get your basics cleared. This way, you can catch up with your college curriculum too. Udemy also has talent and hobby courses. So now that all classes are closed, you can log in to Udemy and learn that hobby that was long overdue.

#3 Canva

Canva is a tool to create infographics, but with the up-gradation of the app, it can help students and teachers to collaborate and make creative presentations. This app is filled with details and customizations to build the best infographics.

Think of customization, and they have it. They even have pre-designed templates for every type of post. This helps students to get creative and present their stuff accordingly. A full version has to be purchased for accessing the premium features, but even the free version has all the required options to get the best designs. This app has been greatly used to create projects and presentations.

#4 Seesaw

This is a very creative app that we came across. It is used to create projects, take pictures, record videos, and even make your own. It is also an entertaining app. Teachers can share interactive videos with students and make learning nice and easy.

It is a proven fact that students understand better through videos than theory. The seesaw app can further be used to conduct classes, and students can view each other’s projects, too, thus helping them learn more and more about the tools and features in the app.

#5 Coursera

This site became popular within no time from its launch. Coursera offers courses of varied courses and also gives you a certification at the end of each course. These courses also have a small evaluation once you finish the course. The best part of Coursera is that many universities recognize its certification and approve it for higher education.

This is the best online learning app that provides all the features of the best education and more. The faculties whose videos are streamlined are known to be of renowned colleges. Just register yourself, and with nominal fees, you can make the best use of this learning app.

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#6 TedTalks

This is an inspirational show and has proved to help many college students survive through college life. On the outside, college life seems to be fun, but it is actually a lot more than that. Although college life is mostly about friends and time management, it also brings stress, the burden of assignments, and the need to be disciplined and organized.

So, when you are feeling kind of stressed out, this app will have some inspirational videos of people who will share their experiences and teach you how to make the most of your life. These are real people talking about their real-life experiences and not just motivational speeches. So, download this app to lead you to encouragement on the day when life is giving you lemons.

To conclude,

If you want to learn, you will find every way to do it. But these above internet services are sure to make your remote learning process fun. These apps make the learning process effortless for teachers and students. Some of these require purchases, while some are absolutely free. So you can choose according to your requirements and ease of access.

Although, today, physical interaction is missed by students all over the world, and students are longing to be with their group of friends and like-minded people in the university. But eventually, everything will get back to normal.

Until then, we should all strive and make the most of remote learning. This pandemic has taught us many things, but the best thing it has taught us is to value life. So, no matter what the world is going through, we should emerge out stronger and brighter!

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