Popular WordPress and Writing Mistakes That You Need To Stop Making

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Whether you want to write about your exciting trip to Africa or a guide on how to write a literature review, WordPress is the right platform for you. Right now, WordPress is not just a blogging platform. It has evolved to also cater for managing content. What makes it so prevalent in the business world is its user-friendliness, it is customizable, flexible, SEO- friendly, and has a large, active and supportive community. In addition to this, WordPress is equipped with all the tools that you need to make the best site.

Popular WordPress Mistakes and Writing Mistakes That You Need To Stop Making

The primary focus while using WordPress is to set the site up and get it running as soon as possible. However, in this hurry, you might end up ignoring a few things which may affect your blog in the long run. This article has highlighted six famous WordPress mistakes that you need to stop making.

  1. Choosing the Wrong Platform

Wrong Platform

Users often confuse between self-hosted WordPress and free WordPress 

Often, users confuse between self-hosted WordPress and free WordPress. Sometimes, one wants to create a personal blog but ends up choosing the self-hosted WordPress which has recurring costs. Other times, a user who wants to make money, and have control over his/her site, may end up creating a free WordPress site that does not support this features. This leaves the users quite frustrated with the site. To avoid making this mistake, first, identify kind of place that you want to create. Familiarize yourself with the various platforms, then choose the best platform to host your site.

  1. Not Creating a WordPress Backup

WordPress Backup

Creating backups is one of the best defenses against security threats

Creating backups is one of the best defenses against security threats. Although WordPress is a secure platform, it’s still vulnerable to malicious attacks. In case your site falls victim to a malware attack, you will be forced to clean up, thus losing your data in the process. Therefore, it is essential for you as a blogger or webmasters to know how to back up your WordPress.

This can be achieved by using sites such as BackupBuddy, backup or VaultPress. These sites allow you to schedule for automated backups and store your data in the cloud. BackupBuddy and VaultPress also offer malware scanning and are sites worth investing in since they provide a fool-proof setup. To enhance WordPress Security, Please read our WordPress Security Category.

backup your WordPress site

It is essential to backup your WordPress site


  1. Ignoring WordPress Updates

WordPress Updates

Updating WordPress improves performance, speed, security and bug-fixing capabilities

WordPress is always enhancing their platform, and it is vital to keep up with these developments. Updating WordPress improves its performance, speed, security and bug-fixing capabilities. Plugins or themes start displaying bugs when they get outdated and therefore need security changes or replacement for them to be compatible with the recent WordPress version. Thus, it is essential to check for compatibility between your plugins and the new WordPress version after every update. If they are not compatible, you should update them either manually or automatically.

Remember always to back up your site before any updates.


  1. Unnecessary Plugins

Delete the Unnecessary Plugins

There are many WordPress plugins available, choose only those that are necessary!

Plugins improve WordPress performance. However, heaping your site with unnecessary plugins will end up slowing it down. Therefore, deactivate or uninstall the plugins that you do not use to create more space and improve speed on your site. In future, embrace simplicity and only use plugins that add to the success of the blog.

  1. Choosing a Defective or Unreliable Theme

Unreliable Theme

Your theme should complement the content of your site

WordPress is used to create different kinds of websites. This is why various themes are designed to cater to different markets. Your theme should, therefore, complement the content of your site. Your theme plays a vital role in how users perceive your blog and also contributes to search engine ranking.

When it comes to choosing a perfect theme for your blog, WordPress offers a variety of free themes in their theme directory. However, if you are interested in commercial themes, you can try purchasing them from trusted theme providers such as StudioPress, Themify, Elegant Themes, ithemes or Headway Themes.

It is advisable to purchase themes from trusted companies instead of using free themes since some of them contain malicious codes that may be harmful to your blog.

  1. Too Many Categories

WordPress categories offer a convenient way of organizing your blog thus making it easy to navigate. However, this does not mean that you should create a different group for every post. Limit the categories to the major topics that the site will cover. Your categories should be content or subject-specific and simple. Using complicated terms as keywords or categories might confuse or disinterest your readers.

Finally, avoid creating multiple categories that lead to one location as this will give the impression that your blog is empty and lacks content.


WordPress is one of the easiest ways to create and manage websites. To get the best of WordPress, it is crucial to avoid making the mistakes listed above. This will build a good foundation for you if you want to have a successful online presence.

Has this article been informative? Feel free to share your personal experience in dealing with WordPress mistakes in the comment section.

Sophia Clark

Sophia Clark graduated from the University of the City of New York with B.A. in Journalism, 2011. She is a content marketer, sharing experience in writing, education, and self-development in her publications, for example, https://eliteessaywriters.com/blog/how-to-write-a-literature-review/. In her free time, she enjoys writing fiction as well as reading it.  Connect with her on Twitter and Google +.

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