MD MS Admission Test Result BSMMU – March 2018

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MD MS Admission Test Result BSMMU – March 2018 has been published. Shout Me Crunch is providing the mirror backup copy of the result of the uploaded PDF of BSMMU. Give Thanks in Comment Section, if it helps you in your single lifetime.

MD MS Admission Test Result BSMMU – March 2018

November 10, 2017, was the exam date. The result was published on the same day. The Official Result Link from BSMMU is this link.

Admission Test Result

For Residency Program March 2018 MD/MS courses under
( Faculty of Medicine, Surgery, Basic Science & Paraclinical Science and Dentistry )

If you need old result: Admission Test Result for March 2017 MD MS – BSMMU

Residency Program Good and Bad

♦ Good Aspects of the Residency Program ♦
1. There is a beautiful curriculum which is no present in any other post-graduation medical program in Bangladesh.
2. All institutes are from the same university. So there is no different eulogy with certificates.
3. Private residents have the decent allowance.
4. Timely tests, blocks, results released!!
5. The pass rate is comparatively better. (In comparison with Mohakhali’s FCPS)
6. A dream for the government resident! There is no difficulty with the deputations.

MD MS Result 2017

Select your discipline for view result :

Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDBiochemistry
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDLaboratory Medicine
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDMicrobiology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDPathology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDPharmacology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDPhysiology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMDVirology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceMSAnatomy
Faculty of DentistryMSConservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Faculty of DentistryMSOral and Maxi. Surgery
Faculty of DentistryMSOrthodontics
Faculty of DentistryMSPedodontics
Faculty of DentistryMSProsthodontics
Faculty of MedicineMDCardiology
Faculty of MedicineMDChild & Adolescent Psychiatry
Faculty of MedicineMDDermatology and Venereology
Faculty of MedicineMDEndocrinology and Metabolism
Faculty of MedicineMDGastroenterology
Faculty of MedicineMDHaematology
Faculty of MedicineMDHepatology
Faculty of MedicineMDInternal Medicine
Faculty of MedicineMDMedical Oncology
Faculty of MedicineMDNeonatology
Faculty of MedicineMDNephrology
Faculty of MedicineMDNeurology
Faculty of MedicineMDNuclear Medicine
Faculty of MedicineMDOncology
Faculty of MedicineMDPaediatric Cardiology
Faculty of MedicineMDPaediatric Gastroenterology
Faculty of MedicineMDPaediatric Hematology and Oncology
Faculty of MedicineMDPaediatric Nephrology
Faculty of MedicineMDPaediatric Neurology & Neuro Development
Faculty of MedicineMDPaediatrics
Faculty of MedicineMDPalliative Medicine
Faculty of MedicineMDPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Faculty of MedicineMDPsychiatry
Faculty of MedicineMDPulmonology
Faculty of MedicineMDRadiation Oncology
Faculty of MedicineMDRheumatology
Faculty of MedicineMDTransfusion Medicine
Faculty of SurgeryMDAnaesthesiology
Faculty of SurgeryMDCritical Care Medicine
Faculty of SurgeryMDRadiology and Imaging
Faculty of SurgeryMSCardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSColorectal Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSCommunity Opthalmology
Faculty of SurgeryMSFeto-Maternal Medicine
Faculty of SurgeryMSGeneral Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSGynaecological Oncology
Faculty of SurgeryMSHepatobiliary Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSNeurosurgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSObstetrics and Gynaecology
Faculty of SurgeryMSOphthalmology
Faculty of SurgeryMSOrthopaedic Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSOtolaryngology
Faculty of SurgeryMSPaediatric Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSPlastic Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSReproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Faculty of SurgeryMSSurgical Oncology
Faculty of SurgeryMSThoracic Surgery
Faculty of SurgeryMSUrology
Faculty of SurgeryMSVascular Surgery

All MS MD Result 2017 in One Single Zip File

You can get all the result in a single zip file. It contains all the result.

Download Zip Link

♥ The Opposite Site ♥

1. The test is a session centric since 2015. Earlier, MS / MD was running nonresidential, which is no longer available. The amount of competitiveness in it is unbelievable. By reducing the two sessions, the solution to small seats in one session is worthwhile.

2. It’s a 5-year long horse race. A life of private residence is like the life of pi. The uncertainty of getting the allowance without some institutes in the capital is extreme.

3. BSMMU / BICH or some such institutions are autonomous. Most of the rest of the institutions are public/public institutions, which is directly controlled by the health ministry. As a result, the curriculum control universities cannot fully manage the courses. For those non-guideline residents, it’s like a pain in the ass.

4. Residency admission fee is relatively high. 44 thousand takas for the admission fee of BSMMU, and Tk 60 thousand for the private sector in the other institutions!!

5. Apart from the main subject and the Major Branch, most super specialty branches understand the horror of the behavior of young people who join them in the course. (Main Subject: Gynecology – Obtain General Surgery, Internal Medicine); (Major Branches: I, ENT, Nephrology, Neurology, Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Urology, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Oncology, Endocrinology, and Psychiatry). The rest feel super specialty.However, going to the super specialty subject with a degree in the main subject or major branch, it would be fruitful for them.

6. For a long period of 5 years without a government job or family high status, it’s a hell of their life.

7. The number of residents leaving the course and not being admitted to the periphery institutes is increasing which is alarming. As it is in the case of blank seats, the country is losing other potential doctors. One of the solutions could be the waiting list.

♥ Requests For Residency ♥

1. Make arrangements to start the examination in two sessions. It is a university that will start sessions two or three times a year.

2. Faculty based central merit list should be published. In this, the candidates give the opportunity of admission to their preferred institutions and subjects (depending on the result). It is not difficult to reveal different results for surgery, medicine, and basic science! This will reduce the chances of blank seats, and reduce the requirements of the waiting list.

3. Release the waiting list if the lowest chance is available.

4. Creating an academic environment, especially in the subordinated institutions, Periphery Institute. Need to increase the allowance of residents, according to current market conditions. Need to pay the allowance on time.

5. Increase the number of seats in Major Subject and Major Branches.

6. Make Government Deputation Policy Easier and Affordable.

7. Prepare a syllabus for the residency entrance test. Because all the questions are still being guessed by the guesswork. of how much a question is a subject. It’s a big weakness. It’s just a matter of time for the authorities to implement it. (More points may come here. Hope everyone will give feedback)

Collected from Nurul Amin

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