Green Cuisine – The 4 Essentials For Giving Your Kitchen an Eco-Friendly Overhaul

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So, you’ve decided it’s time to make your kitchen more environmentally friendly, but you’ve got no idea where to start? Never fear, we’ve done the hard work for you and compiled this list of essentials for giving your kitchen an eco-friendly overhaul.

Switch Up Your Stove

eco friendly kitchen

Old electric stoves use far more power than newer generation ones, so it’s always wise to update when you can. Not only will you save on your power bill, but you’ll also be protecting the environment, so your initial outlay will pay itself off pretty quickly. One thing to look for when updating is whether your new stove is straight electric or induction, with the latter being the preferable option. To use this type of cooktop, you’ll need some nice induction cookware since the system is magnetic. Once you’re set up, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of gas without any of the hazards, and as mentioned above, you’ll be helping the environment by using way less power.

Set Up a Composting System

Now obviously you don’t want the entirety of this one in your kitchen, but setting up a compost heap is great for the planet and your garden. Make sure you have a little bin or bucket in your kitchen dedicated to scraps for your compost so you can easily separate them while cooking. Then it’s simply a matter of emptying it out each evening in your backyard compost heap. You’ll end up with some wonderful fertilizer for your plants, and if you’re chasing some eco-friendly bonus points, worms love compost, so why not add them to your (outdoor) heap to help nature run its course with your scraps.

Spring Clean

Whether you’re doing the normal housework or having a massive clean out, your kitchen is one room that tends to get the most antibacterial attention. While this is definitely good for your health and general hygiene, and should in no way be neglected, the cleaning products you’re using aren’t necessarily as pure as your intentions. Many household cleaners are full of chemicals that can be pretty harmful to your family and the environment, so it doesn’t really make sense to have a super-high concentration of them in the place where you prepare food. By switching to natural cleaning agents, or at least those with organic bases, you can make your kitchen healthier and more eco-friendly. Naturally derived products also tend to smell better, so it’s a triple win.

Commit to a Low-Waste Lifestyle

Speaking of natural products, so many things in your kitchen come in unnecessary packaging. Simply swapping out your plastic shopping bags for reusable ones made from natural fibers can help the environment immensely. You’ll be able to make an even bigger impact if you do your best to buy unpackaged products, or at least those that come in sustainable packaging. If you want to take it a step further, swap out your utensils and other kitchen items for natural alternatives when the time comes to replace them. Anything you can do to reduce your waste will have the planet thanking you.

One person may not be able to change the entire world, but you can certainly switch up your little corner of the universe and make a genuine impact. While it’s definitely best to live in an environmentally-friendly manner, don’t stress if not everything in your life can be changed. Start with these eco-friendly tips for your kitchen and expand your efforts in ways that work for you and your family. No-one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

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