Iobit Uninstaller – Great Software to Uninstall Programs Completely

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Iobit Uninstaller is simply awesome. For uninstalling any software from the windows, I am using Iobit Uninstaller. Before Iobit I was using Revo Uninstaller. But due to high price and frequent update issue, I move on to Iobit Uninstaller.

Why you need an extra uninstaller Software?

Windows has default Uninstaller in control panel. But Sometimes Windows default uninstaller is not sufficient to fully uninstall a software. A software can keep its footprint in the registry. For complete uninstalling an apps or software from the windows, you need to search the registry for deleting its remnants.

Why am I choosing IObit Uninstaller?

The first reason is IObit Uninstaller is completely free. You have no exact time limitation. Though you can upgrade it to pro version for more features. The another reason is it is very light software. Before using Iobit I have also used Geek, another awesome free uninstaller. I keep aside the Geek because when deleting the registry, it got some cross reference issues (like All Adobe, or All Google)

Iobit has given some more support like right button program uninstall and force uninstall and shred files option.

Another important reason for trying the IObit Uninstaller is Iobit gives the function to delete the addons for Firefox and extensions for Google Chrome.


Features of IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller got Right Mouse Powerful Install Button. You can click on any undesired software by right click and uninstall from that menu.


Step By Step Step Guideline to IObit Uninstaller

  1. Download the IObit Uninstaller from Here.  IObit Uninstaller Download
  2. Intall it. After Installing it you can see the IObit Uninstaller icon on the desktop.
  3. Open the IObit Uninstaller Application.

4. Select the program from the list.


5. You can create restore point before uninstalling a software. It is a very much essential feature which can save you from the undesired uninstalling effect of windows essential features.

create restore point before uninstalling a software

6. After that, it will start the normal uninstall method of the windows.

7. At last, you will see the “Powerful Scan” option to search the registry accompanying the software.


8. You have to select all the files and click delete.


9. After That, you can see the Complete Uninstall Success Message.


Technical Details of IObit Uninstaller

V 7.0.2 | 12.3 MB

Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10

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