Human Resources and Development

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Introduction: Nowadays human resources occupy a bigger position and are considered an important part of a firm. If the employees are not satisfied, they won’t produce sufficient quality work. Human resources play a significant role in the Outsourcing of labor. The human resources department lies at the core of any business’s management structure. This is why the human resources department is probably the most important department in any organization.

Human Resources: Human resources are a person or employee who staffs and operates a function within an organization. The term “human resources are traditionally called “labor in the political economy and economics, one of the three factors of production. It was used as right labor management in the older day’s organizations.

In human economics resources, in the beginning, was known as ‘human capital. Then it was later realized that humans are capitals which can be run through a particular time, in fact, they are social beings, and things change day to day for them.

Human Resources Function’s: The human resources function is still to a large degree administrative and common to all organizations. To varying degrees, most organizations have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. Efficient and effective management of the Human Capital Pool (HCP) has become an increasingly imperative and complex activity to all human resources professionals. The human resources function consists of tracking innumerable data points on each employee, from personal histories, data, skills, capabilities, experiences to payroll records.

Human Resources Management: Human Resources Management is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment, management and the direction of the people in the organization. Human Resource Management is also performed by line managers.

According to the Ricky W. Griffin, “Human Resources Management is the of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing and maintaining the effective workforce.” David A Decenzo and Stephen P. Robbens said Human Resources Management is made of four activities:

  1. Staffing
  2. Training and Development
  3. Motivation and Empowerment
  4. Maintenance


The importance of Human Resources: Human resources department is the most important department of any organization. The human resources department of today not only works for employee betterment but also takes the initiative in matters such as office policies, legal docomeentation, development of ethical codes and standards of behavior and so and so forth.

Human Resources Department is not only responsible for personnel relations, but for the overall business environment of an organization. Today the Human Resources department of a firm handles not only the lower and middle-level employees but also upper management executives as well.

The Human Resources Department does not only bridge the employee relationship gap between top management and lower level employees but also helps upper management to connect with other senior members of a firm.

Human Resources and Bangladesh: Education is the pre-condition for Human Resources Development. The government of Bangladesh made primary education compulsory for children between the age of six and ten.

Current government projects to promote the education of children in Bangladesh include compulsory primary education for all, free education for girls up to grade 12, stipends for female students, a nationwide integrated education system and food for education literacy movement. A large section of the country’s national budget is set aside to help put these programs into action and to promote education and make it more accessible.

Budget and Human Resources: Human resources are the foundation stone for building social infrastructure. Education and health are the main vehicles for human resources development. It is not possible to bring about accelerated and sustained development without competent human resources.

Conclusion: Population becomes an asset if it can be trained properly and used in productive sectors. A country without a skilled workforce is like an empty vessel. So, we should be sincere in providing quality education to every citizen.

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