Google Penalty – How to Check?

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Many affiliate user and Webmasters are now a little bit concerned about their recent visitor dropping. But, How to check the Google penalty of a website? Google is continuously upgrading its search algorithm, and there is a massive alteration of ranking on Google first page. So it is necessary to check whether your website is under Google penalization or not.

google penalty check

Before buying an old domain, you also need to check whether the domain was in under penalty or in search engine banned. Some of my clients reported Google AdSense banned domain purchase. Before buying a domain, there is a tool like a sandbox for Google AdSense Ban checking.

Other Websites to check Google Adsense ban:

Today we will discuss two websites, which will say your website is under recent Google penalization or not. Many affiliate users who most often over-optimized their SEO and pay for their bulk backlink are getting the Google penalty.

How can you realize your website may be under Google penalty?

If you regularly monitor your visitors and search terms pattern from Google search engine, you can get a rough estimated about your visitor dropping. But if you are an affiliate marketer and your product is Season based, you can never be sure whether Google is giving a penalty to your site or this is natural for your website.

Why Google give a penalty to the website?

There are two types of penalty Google can do to your site. One is a manual penalty, and another one is the Google search engine algorithm update penalty. There are lots of reasons for getting the penalty from Google. You can get a list from the below mentioned website.


Duplicate content, Thin content, the over-optimized site (like having overuse of focus keyword), bulk buying bad backlinks and getting visitors from manipulating the search engine is the main reasons.

What are the precautions you need to take to avoid Google penalty?

To avoid Google penalization, you need to regularly check the Google search engine update and google search engine algorithm update changes. In every algorithm update, Google focuses on some fundamental changes. You can check History of Google Algorithm Updates.


You can bookmark the following website to get the regular updates of Google search engine and there ranking factors of that update. If you have more websites like this, please comment below, so that we can include that in the list.

Website to Check Google Penalty

website penalty indicator

You can get more lot more details about Google penalty from this link and ahrefs resource.

Google keyword rank checker

Before checking the Google penalty, you should check your keyword position in Google search. You need some rank checkers which can show you the exact rank for unique keywords in the different search engine of different countries.

If you are looking for a free rank checker, we can suggest some. Free google keyword rank checker is daily updated below. You can check your website Google ranking going there by searching different search terms.

Here (Free up to 20 Keywords) (Free First 14 Days)

You can also do the Google SEO check by this. For on-page SEO test, you should use Yoast or all in on SEO type plugin If you are using WordPress CMS. If you are building your website on some different platform like Drupal or blogger you should use Google Chrome extension of SEO quake.

I have tried my best to let you know about Google penalty check with reference link and guidance website. If you think I need to add something, please feel free to comment on the below form.

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