Family First-Aid – The 5 Most Common Childhood Injuries

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As a parent, you know accidents happen. Whether your child has no fear or is just a little klutzy, injuries are bound to occur more often than not.

With that said, most accidents and injuries are minor and can be treated at home with a Band-aid, a little rest, and a whole lot of love. Unfortunately, every accident has the potential to be major – you know, where you race to the nearest ER in a panic.

Assessing kids’ injuries can be nerve-wracking for parents. Is it minor enough to handle at home, or do they need a doctor? Below, we discuss the most common childhood injuries and how to treat them, so you’ll know what to do when they happen.

The 5 Most Common Childhood Injuries

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash plagues most children at some point during their stint in diapers, with some constantly battling the affliction. Though diapers foster the perfect environment for rashes, nappy rash cream helps soothe and heal the area and protects it from future injury. If your child is prone to diaper rash, keep their bum clean and dry and apply the cream liberally to ward off this common childhood issue.


Babies, toddlers, and small children don’t have the motor control that older kids and adults do, which makes them susceptible to falling. Supervision is the key to preventing fall injuries in kids. While it’s impossible to monitor them every second of the day, being vigilant in tidying up and restricting access to dangerous areas can keep your child safe. Of course, any fall that involves a hit to the head or other major injury should be assessed by a doctor.


Impact-related injuries are second only to falls in terms of regularly. Types of impact-related injuries include head, back, or neck injuries, bruising, and broken bones. Often, sporting activities, playing too rough with other children, and getting pinned under fallen furniture are to blame for impact injuries.

If your child displays difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness or memory, excessive bleeding, or broken bones, take them directly to the hospital for evaluation.

Vehicular Crashes

The most common cause of injury in teens is vehicular crashes. New drivers are inexperienced and easily distracted, which makes them more likely to be involved in a car accident.

Injuries from a car accident are usually visible at the scene, and as such, victims are taken to the hospital right away. However, some injuries, such as whiplash, may not present themselves until later. As the parent of a child involved in an auto accident, you must monitor them for signs of head or neck injury after the fact. If anything presents, contact your child’s doctor immediately.

Cuts and Punctures

Kids are curious by nature, which makes them more prone to cuts and punctures during play and learning. For example, your child may be helping you in the kitchen and accidentally cut their finger on a knife, despite your meticulous supervision.

Knowing how to respond to common childhood injuries is crucial for every parent. To enhance your skills and be better prepared, consider enrolling in Vaughan CPR courses. These courses provide essential training that equips you with the knowledge and confidence to handle emergencies effectively, ensuring the safety and well-being of your children in critical situations.

In most cases, you can clean and bandage a cut with the medical supplies you have at home. If it doesn’t stop bleeding or looks deep, head to your closest ER for treatment as your child may need stitches, so the injury heals properly.

The sheer nature of being a kid makes them susceptible to all sorts of accidents and injuries. However, if you’re prepared for the common injuries listed above, you should be well-placed to remain calm and act swiftly when the dreaded time comes.

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