7 Secret Tips to Get Rid of Exam Result Tension

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Exam Result Tension!! It is difficult to find a student who does not suffer from it.

Actually, we do tension about our expectation. More specifically tension about a ‘what if’ question.

Like, what will be the result of SSC exam?

Or, what happens if I don’t do well in the board exam?

Or, what to do if my exam results are bad?

This type of questions makes you tensed. Interesting matter is that this tension is not for your own, rather, you are concern about people behavior. If the results are not good, then what will they think?

This makes you fear and unintentionally an intense tension created in your mind.

7 Secret Tips to Get Rid of Exam Result Tension

How should you overcome an exam result tension?

There are no magic tricks that remove all exam result tension. Tension or getting worried is a part of our life. Definitely applying some tricks you can overcome 60-70% anxiety. Rest of 30-40% anxiety remain as the part of life.

Let’s concentrate on the tricks.

1. Quit agonizing over social standards and desires

As I said earlier, we concern about social norms more than our own desire. Don’t do that. If you really want to relief from exam result tension firstly forget about social standards and desire. Your result doesn’t characterize your status or how good a person you are. In this way, don’t fuss and stress over what your acquaintances and relatives will say if you don’t score well.

2. Don’t expect beyond your limitation

Everybody wants to be successful.

But, is everybody succeed?

The answer is ‘NO’.

You need to know yourself first.

As an example, I cannot act well. Now If I want to be Shahrukh Khan, can I?

No, I can’t.

I might dance well. So I should be a good dancer.

Just like everyone is not good in all subjects. Someone might good in English but weak in Mathematics. Another may well in Mathematics but weak in English.

So nobody can say weak or bad to anyone.

Of course, everyone tries to do a good education board result. The meaning of good result is varied students to the student. As an example, for someone, GPA 3.5 is a good result according to his/her quality/limitation. Whereas for another one it is maybe GPA 5. Now if 3.5 limiter expects 5, is it acceptable?

So, don’t have unrealistic expectations. Moreover, realistic thought makes release your exam tension.

Exam Result Tension
7 Secret Tips to Get Rid of Exam Result Tension

3. Do gossip

The best way to reduce any kind of mental stress is to do gossip. According to the research, when a mental upset person engages him/herself in a chatting, he/she feel relaxed. Before exam you face ‘exam stress’ and after the exam, you face ‘exam result stress’.

For exam stress, you may consult with your teachers and friends. Sometimes with your parents. But for exam result stress don’t do the same but friends. In most cases, teachers and parents give more ‘pain’ instead of relaxing.

My personal suggestion is to do chat with your beloved one. You know what, when we get in trouble either mental or physical, only our beloved person can understand us. They give the courage, they inspired.

So, dive into funny chatting with your friends and beloved person.

4. Be busy yourself

Any busyness keeps us away from the anxiety. It’s not my words. It is scientifically proven.

Okay! Let’s me prove here.

Suppose your board final exam is very near and you studying hard in your room hang a notice on the door ‘’Don’t disturb me’’.

Your mother brings a glass of lassi for you and said, ‘Eat it.’ In reply, you said “Leave it. I’ll eat it later”.

You were so much busy with your study and totally forget about the lassi.

Although it is an example I believe this kind of ‘forget incident’ happened to everyone.

My main point is to keep yourself busy. Maybe can clean your reading table, cut your nail, see the old picture and so on. Try it. Hopefully, it works.

5. Think positive

Be always positive. Do you know only positive thinking can make difference? You may utter in mind ‘If I made worse in the exam then will positive thinking make my results better?’.

Not exactly. Think deeply- you already believe it is totally impossible to change the exam result. Then why you get panic. Our main problem is we like to replay our exam paper and do a postmortem of the question paper. Don’t do this. Which has gone, it’s gone.

Try not to replay or fixate on the past. Admit that you have already taken your examination and can’t return in time. Rather make your self prepare to accept the reality.

More importantly, one exam result can’t measure your talent.

6. Express your tension to yourself

Instead of expressing your concern to others, you can write in your own diary. I read an article (can’t recall the source), if a man can express his/her feelings, his/her hardship can be greatly reduced. The same thing works to reduce exam tension. If you express your emotions it may give you relax. Many people love writing more than speaking. Through this, an examinee can understand his/her own problem and maybe get motivated to solve them. In this way, the candidate is able to overcome his/her own exam stress and anxiety by writing.

7. Do not misunderstand your parents

On above I suggest many tricks to relief from exam stress. But many candidates do not worried about their result rather worried about their parent’s behavior. Our socio-economic circomestances make parents so much worried about their child future. And finally, they impose a lot of us. So don’t misunderstand your parents.

You may give them understand that you want to be a cricketer or you want to be a businessman. For a cricketer, GPA does not matter. Similarly to be a businessman it is not necessary to secure GPA 5 in the exam. Today’s world top richest man Bill Gates did not secure A+ in the 10th class exam.

Final Words

I am at the very last in my writing. Here I present the most effective ways to overcome exam tension. A piece of news was published in the Dhaka Tribune, ‘Student commits suicide after failing in SSC exam’. After seeing the news I got shocked. Please don’t do this such kind of stupid act. Keep in mind one result does not judge you. One fail does not mean you fail in entire life.

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