Diploma Admission Result 2019 | BSMMU

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Diploma admission result of 2019 will be published today by tonight. Day by day, the diploma and MD admission exam is getting tougher. As promotion depends on the getting higher degrees and diploma is still considered to get a promotion, it is of high value to get admission in diploma admission exam of BSMMU.
This year diploma admission exam is held on 5th April of 2019 which is Friday. Every year diploma exam and MD exam is conducted on Friday. Not only the diploma but also MPhil and MPH student get admission by this exam.
If you have missed the circular of diploma admission circular of 2019, you can take a glimpse of the notice here.
As of every year, shoutmecrunch has published the diploma admission result as fast as possible. We will upload the result of the individual subject in individual PDF in a different server than bsmmu. So you can download the PDF without any server issue.
As a previous year we have also published the MD admission result of 2018 and MD admission result of 2017, and diploma admission result of 2018.
Shout me crunch published the event based result of Bangladesh, it is taking preparation for publishing the mass result of 39 BCS viva result, which should be published on 11th April of 2019.

Diploma Admission Result 2019 of bsmmu PDF download link

Official Link was: http://exam.bsmmu.edu.bd/result_nonres_19/

The admission result is published on 5th April 2019, and the students will be enrolled in the curriculum in July 2019. That’s why it is also searched on the internet as “Non-Residency Result July 2019“.

Bsmmu means bangabandhu sheikh mujib medical University, formerly it is known as PG (postgraduate hospital) of Bangladesh. Previously there are two types of exam called residency and nonresidency. Later non-residency is considered a diploma admission exam.
What is the difference between the diploma and the MD?
The diploma course is shorter duration compared to MD course. in some subject, diploma course is consists of 2 to 3 years in some subject diploma course is consist of two to three years where MD course usually consists of photo five years.

Can I be a professor or get promotion doing diploma degree?

The fair answer is yes. If you are a government recruited doctor, you can apply for promotion holding the diploma degree. From medical officer, you can get a promotion to the junior consultant, if you can complete the diploma degree.
Mphil, M. MEd, MPH admission exam is also held on the same date. You can also so get the MPhil, M. MEd and mph admission result of bsmmu of 2019 here.

Individual Subject Wise Result of Diploma 2019

Select your discipline for view result :

Faculty of MedicineDiplomaBlood, Serology & Transfusion (BS&T)
Faculty of MedicineDiplomaCardiology
Faculty of MedicineDiplomaDermatology and Venereology
Faculty of MedicineDiplomaEndocrinology and Metabolism
Faculty of MedicineDiplomaTuberculosis and Chest Disease
Faculty of SurgeryDiplomaAnaesthesiology
Faculty of SurgeryDiplomaCommunity Opthalmology
Faculty of SurgeryDiplomaObstetrics and Gynaecology
Faculty of SurgeryDiplomaOphthalmology
Faculty of SurgeryDiplomaOrthopaedics
Faculty of SurgeryDiplomaOtolaryngology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceM.PhilAnatomy
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceM.PhilBiochemistry
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceM.PhilMicrobiology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceM.PhilPharmacology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceM.PhilPhysiology
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceDiplomaForensic Medicine
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceDiplomaLaboratory Medicine
Faculty of Basic Science & Para Clinical ScienceM. MEdMedical Education
Faculty of DentistryDiplomaDental Surgery
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)M.PhilPreventive and Social Medicine
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHCommunity Medicine
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHCommunity Nutrition
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHEpidemiology
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHHealth Promotion and Health Education
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHHealth Service Management and Policy
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHHospital Management
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHOccupational and Environmental Health
Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)MPHReproductive and Child Health
Faculty of PaediatricsDiplomaChild Health
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