8 Simple Spiritual Activities That You Can Start Today

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Taking care of your wellbeing means that you pay equal attention to your mind, body, and soul. Self-care activities help us find the time for our mental, emotional, and general health. Sometimes we need to focus on those activities that bring us closer to the inner self and nourish our soul. These activities can help us take care of our spiritual side and invite joy and happiness to our life.

Keep a gratitude journal

We are so focused on the negative these days that we fail to acknowledge the positivity surrounding us. The fact that we are present and here today is something we should be grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal can be your way of expressing your emotions and remind yourself of many positive things. Note down the list of things you are grateful for every day. Make sure you add at least one more thing each day.

By focusing on the positive and showing gratitude, you can also manifest positive things and invite good things into your life. The gratitude journal will be useful for days when you feel blue or sad. If you need a pick me up, go through your list and be reminded of what you’re thankful for.

Curb your social media addiction

When we focus on things that exist in the virtual world, we fail to acknowledge the present’s beauty. Focusing on shares, likes, and notifications constantly distracting us can be overwhelming. If you can’t leave your home without a phone or you panic when you realize that you left your phone at home, it’s time to curb your addiction. Incorporate no phone hours in your day to improve your focus and productivity.

For example, check your phone every two hours for five minutes. Incorporate tech-free days as well so that you can be present in the moment and attentive to real-time connections and encounters. Weekends are great for this because you can leave your phone at home and, indeed, limit your tech time. Check your phone once in the morning and once in the evening and break free from this addiction.

Remove negative energy from your space

When you fail to take care of your living area, you allow negative energy to set in and stay there. Clutter can create emotional stress and also disrupt the flow of energy throughout your home. Clear the unnecessary clutter and do a deep clean of your space. Then, cleanse the area with the sacred art of smudging.

remove negative energy

To do this right, you’ll need some sage and matches to light them up. Do this after you declutter and clean your entire space. Open all windows so that the air and energy can flow freely and smudge your space and your body as well.

Create a meditation nook

Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce stress, banish negative thoughts, become centered, and tune in with your spirituality. Meditation can calm the racing mind and racing heart and even inspire you to pursue your passions. If you want to make meditation a part of your regular everyday routine, start by creating a meditation space within your home. Once you do this, you’ll love to use it as your sanctuary and oasis of calm.

relax mind

Make sure to position your meditation corner next to a window. You can soak up the morning sun while you meditate or pull down the roman blinds when you need peace. You can meditate on your own or listen to a guided meditation. Either way, try to do it for 10, 20, or 30 minutes every day to feel calmer and centered, and in touch with your inner self.

Listen to an uplifting podcast or audiobook

Listening to podcasts or audiobooks is a high activity that can easily accompany your other daily activities. You can listen to it while you prepare your meals, commute, iron, or take a walk. You don’t have to make time for it in your day, and you need to combine it with your typical activity. There are many uplifting podcasts you can listen to and improve your mood and learn something new.

When it comes to audiobooks, you can choose some hype personal development audiobooks and listen to them. It is a great way to change your negative thought pattern by shifting your focus to a story. This way, you’ll improve your knowledge and learn how to develop better routines, change your mindset, and improve your mood.

Spend time outside

Whenever we feel like we need to get away, we step out and take a walk. This is because spending time outside, under the sun, and in the fresh air can heal your mind, soul, and stimulate your senses. You can take regular walks or take up cycling so you’ll get to spend more time outside, reinvigorate your spirit and improve your mood. Cycling will improve your health, mood, and be the reason more to spend time outside.

outside relax time

You can also use a lightweight e-bike for your daily commute to and from work. When you cycle to work in the morning, you’ll be more energized and ultimately more productive at work. But when you cycle home from work, you can use this activity as a stress relief. Either way, you’ll benefit from it a lot and also get to spend more time outside.

Read daily

You can listen to inspiring material, and you can read it as well. Daily practice of reading can be another tool against stress. You can also make it a part of your wind-down routine so you’ll clear your mind before going to sleep. Motivational material can change the way you perceive life, your habits, and methods. If you’re one of those people who pay a lot of attention to personal development, there are many books you can read to become inspired to change.

read daily

Reading is viewed as a mental exercise and a way to improve our knowledge and vocabulary. Find a topic that inspires you and commit to reading at least one hour a day. You can read during your lunch break at work when you want to calm your mind and before bed.

Have a relaxing bath

Taking a relaxing bath when you feel overwhelmed and stressed can be an excellent way to get in touch with your thoughts and your spirituality. It is also a unique way to treat yourself once in a while. First of all, create the right setting for your spiritual awakening. Run yourself a hot bath and add some Himalayan salt if you want to cleanse your aura and remove all the negativity.

relaxing bath

You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to diffuse some beautiful scents. Spend at least thirty minutes soaking in this salt bath and air dry after it. You can also repeat the same routine by adding baking soda instead of Himalayan salt. Remember to relax your body and remove negative thoughts from your mind while your body enjoys the power of spiritual cleansing.

Create your daily spiritual routine

Make your daily spiritual routine you can incorporate into your self-care hour or evening wind-down routine. First, find a quiet place in your home. It can be your meditation nook or another comfortable area. Brew some herbal tea like ginger, chamomile, rooibos, or another herbal blend that promotes relaxation and is rich in antioxidants.

Then burn some incense to stimulate relaxation further. If you want to improve your wellbeing, combine the spiritual routine of tea drinking with the soothing smell of perfume. Sandalwood, jasmine, lavender, pine, chamomile, lemongrass, and others can be the right choice depending on your current mood. After you had some tea, you can finish this spiritual routine by meditating for half an hour. Set aside some time for this routine, and you will observe the benefits of it quickly.

Create to express your emotions

One more way to tap into your spirituality is to engage in a creative project. Let your creativity flow freely, and you’ll be inspired, happier, and encourage a sense of play. You can draw, paint with watercolors, doodle, or even use adult coloring books. Creativity is limitless, and we should find the time to let it flow freely to boost our spirit. Find inspiration around you and unleash your creativity to feed your soul.

Take up yoga

The yoga practice is crucial to awaken the spirit because it creates the proper state of mind and body. Yoga is known to relieve stress, ease your mind, and connect you to your emotions and awaken your soul. People feel calmer and happier after a yoga class, so you should find the type that suits your lifestyle.

These eight simple steps will help you create room for spiritual activities that will improve your life. They also fall into the self-care category so you’ll feel better and become mindful of your daily activities.

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