Everybody wants to avail their free time in the best possible manner. Using your phone, now you can learn new techniques to make handicrafts and earn money by selling those items. Following is the list of some exciting apps which helps you in improving your lifestyle by learning new tips and tricks.
![DIY Tutorial Apps](https://www.shoutmecrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/DIY-Tutorial-Apps.png)
1. SnapGuide (iOS, free)
SnapGuide is an online tool for various crafts and how-to tutorials covering projects like repairs, maintenance, recipes, and hacks. A complete description of the procedure along with display pictures is provided. This app is an excellent guide on quite diverse topics including gardening, automobile, home décor. The UI is pretty much simple and handy, providing information regarding the latest and recently uploaded guides. Users can make tutorials for themselves as well using this app.
2. Craftgawker (iOS, free, subscription)
This app is an excellent tool for handicrafts and DIY tutorials. Craftgawker provides a complete library of pictures and albums regarding handicrafts and home décor items submitted by users from all over the world. The app allows the users to search for the latest trends and submissions on Craftgawker, provides the ability to share and store pictures, sort out galleries according to interest and enjoy a huge collection of art and craft. The app comes in free as well as a monthly subscription for some additional features.
3. Craftsy (iOS, free, subscription)
Craftsy is a complete school for learning of home decor and other courses of interest. Hundreds of online video courses are provided on this app including, painting, photography, jewelry making, sewing, knitting and much more. Using this handy tool now you can take your learning classes anywhere you want. In-app purchases offer the users to register for some additional courses and classes. Lectures are delivered in HD video format and downloadable for future use.
4. WikiHow (iOS, Android, free)
WikiHow is a subset of Wikipedia allows users to learn hundreds of life hacks and tutorials related to technology, daily life exercises, health practices and many other fields of daily life. Ever stuck with your PC? Want to change your ceiling fan? Want to lose weight? Want to repair your cell phone charger? Everything is available on WikiHow along with complete video tutorials and illustrative photos.
5. DIY App (iOS, free)
DIY app is a more focused tool for kids to learn healthy activities and to develop a do-it-yourself mindset among kids. Many interested and fun loving projects are available for kids to learn in a safe environment. Kids can enjoy different projects like painting, acting, crafting, gardening and stuff like that. You can also share your projects with others, comment and admire the performance of other kids as well.
6. Tap Painter (iOS, $2.99)
This app is your painter assistant. It helps you in choosing the color scheme of your house, room, apartment, studio, office or anything. If you want to change the color of your living room, just capture a fresh picture of your room, upload it in the app and done. The app processes your photo, analyses lightening and interior of your room like some professional interior decorator and gives you the preview of your room in a different color. Thanks to Sam Murray for suggesting this app to use in the comments!
7. Makr (iOS, free, cost of printing) (Not Active Now)
This app deserves to be on this list because of some great features it is providing. Now you can create your designs for your t-shirts, bags, caps, business cards and wedding invitation letters using this app. It helps you to create your logos using some pre-design templates and tools. Once your design is final, you can export it to any format you want in good quality resolution, but this feature comes with a price.
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