Music is an important part of most of our lives, and for those of us who workout often, it’s a good way to keep the boredom and monotony away. Here are some songs that will not only keep you engaged in your workout routine but will motivate you to do better and pump your energy levels up.
23 Gym Motivational Songs
I have listed 23 English gym motivational songs for you. If you have a personal collection of your gym songs please keep posting it in the comment box I will at those below. The workout is very boring without some spicy songs.

This song is iconic for the reason that Pink seems not to give two hoots about anyone’s opinion. This is proven by the fact that she somehow managed to get her ex-husband to star in the video of the song. We can see her incredible self-confidence, unwillingness to conform, and honestly; that’s the whole idea of a work out the playlist- to motivate you. Oh, the incredible beat and catchy lyrics help too.
This is undeniably the most loved song at any party. The crazy beat and the smooth vocals coupled with some uncharacteristically haunting lyrics make this song a perfect way of taking your mind off the excruciating pain your body is in, courtesy the workout.
Is any playlist ever complete without Queen Bee on it? What makes this song perfect for a workout playlist is that everyone, absolutely everyone, knows the lyrics. Just hearing the introduction to this song makes me want to get up and start dancing, and it promises to help you take your workout to the next level.
I think Mumford and Sons is the most underrated band ever. The sexy crooning of the lead makes it a perfect song to be playing while you’re doing very unsavory things in the gym- as leg raises. Seriously though, does anyone on this planet even enjoy lying on the floor and randomly moving your legs up and down?
Hozier’s voice is like liquid gold. Period. The most appropriate accompaniment for doing frog walks, which can be dubbed as the unsexiest exercise ever. This song will at least make you feel sexy, if not look it.
MMA and boxing are some of the toughest sports out there, and the believer is the perfect song to blast when you’re practicing with a punch bag. The beat and the lyrics always make me want to go out there and throw a punch, a motivational song if there ever was one.
For all the times that you feel like giving up, this song is a beautiful way to help yourself remember why you even started gymming in the first place. Sia owns the song with her vocals, and David Guetta is simply the best DJ out there.
Lady Gaga is so so extra, and Bad Romance is proof of her eccentric genius. I sincerely want to thank every middle school DJ for introducing us to this song and making sure that we never forget this masterpiece. Something about this song gives you that little extra confidence that you need when your day and workout are just not going well.
The perfect song to motivate you during a seemingly never-ending cardio session. The very image of Jessie J and Arianna Grande doing their thing and twerking, albeit cutely in Arianna’s case, will have you pushing yourself that much harder. It’s impossible for this song not to banish your mid-workout fatigue.
Perfect for a pre-gym warm-up session, this song never fails to get you in the mood. Senseless lyrics, over the top and highly indecent visuals and the fact that no one in the video can dance, make this song so difficult to resist and is an assured energy level elevator.
Pre and post-workout stretches are the most ignored and also the essential part of a workout. This is a feel-good song that will have you mouthing the lyrics, because who wouldn’t want those Balenciaga’s that look like socks?
This song takes us back, way back to when we were sixteen and honestly, who doesn’t want to be sixteen again? Minus the god awful acne of course. With this song, blasting over your headphones will make you feel sixteen again, and remind us of all the nights that we don’t remember. What better way to work out than to think you’re a teenager again and nothing can stop you?
SQUATS. SQUATS. SQUATS. Squats are the most boring exercise ever, but the results are more than just desirable. Anaconda is more than a song, it is motivation to do those pesky squats and make buns look tighter, and all the anacondas want it. Nicki deserves an award for giving us the single most motivational song for those squats.
Who doesn’t love Madonna? Her sense of style, music, and her BODY make everyone either want her or to be her. This peppy number is perfect for helping you with those moments when you think that working out isn’t worth it, because what better motivation than Madonna?
JLo is undoubtedly the sexiest woman alive, and this song is an ode to her incredible body. The beat and the desire to look like JLo make this the perfect addition to your workout playlist.
If JLo is the sexiest woman alive, then Marc Anthony is the sexiest man alive. This song makes for a perfect listen when you’re doing planks in the gym. Take your mind off the pain in your shoulders and biceps by letting Marc Anthony’s voice rain over you.
A cult classic that will make you want to become a belly dancer ASAP. Of course being able to move our hips as Shakira remains but a dream for most of us, although we shouldn’t let that deter us from adding this song to our ZUMBA routine.
Deadlifts are very difficult to master, and most people injure themselves trying it, which is why it’s avoided like the plague. If done right, they’re a fast track to toning your body. Pump It is the perfect song to listen to while mastering the art of deadlifts.
Work, in my opinion, was solely written to aid you with Burpees. Burpees are known to be the next best exercise after swimming, and the beat and timing in Work are somehow in sync with how fast you should do your Burpees.
Catchy music and the fact that no one understands the lyrics, except for the words gangam style, are what made this song an international hit. This song needs no reason or excuse to get on your workout playlist, other than that it’s probably the catchiest song around.
High hopes is the song that makes you want to do cardio. Nuff said, because how does anyone, leave alone a song, motivate you to do cardio? This ensures that it’s a must-have in your workout playlist.
The bouncy beat of this song makes it an ideal choice for playing it while you use the exercise ball. The rhythm of this song makes it a perfect background track as the beats are entirely in tune with that of the average workout, which involves an exercise ball.
This upbeat song makes for a perfect way to finish your workout in high spirits. Trying to keep your workout ay pace with this song will ensure that it ends on a high note, albeit leaving you a little breathless.
Author Bio:
Mohan is a Junior Associate at Swag Swami, an online E-Commerce portal for fitness and gym motivation T Shirts in India. He is also a cyclist who spends his free time conquering the climbs of South India on his bike. He practices Yoga and meditation regularly and teaches Yoga at the Cosmopolitan Center in India.
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