15 Ways to Learn More in Less Time

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As a student, you need to not only work hard but smart as well. Learning how to make the most of your time allows you to cover a lot in a short time. As a college student, academic responsibilities can easily take over your life if you don’t know how to work smart.

Remember, you also need to invest in having a social life because your mental wellness depends on it.

Many college students feel like the hours they have in a week is not enough to learn all they’re expected to. However, have you ever wondered how straight-A students manage to accomplish so much more when all of you have the same number of hours to work with?

Every student needs a winning strategy if they want to graduate on time. Granted, college programs are quite rigorous because they’re meant to push you out of your comfort zone. But the idea that you cannot successfully adapt is the wrong approach towards higher learning.

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⦁ Find a Variety of Ways to Learn

This is an excellent tip for anyone who’s having a hard time with a complex concept. Instead of depending entirely on your class notes, you can turn to the internet for help. Find textbooks on the same unit and find out how the author explains the concept.

You can also go as far as downloading YouTube videos because audio-visual learning is always better than just reading.

When you use different media to learn, different parts of your brain get stimulated. This means that you’ll be giving your brain more access to the information you’re trying to retain. The more activated your brain is, the shorter it takes to learn a new concept.

Note that it’s not possible to do all this in one sitting. Overwhelming your brain with too much information beats the whole purpose of this exercise.

⦁ Study Multiple Subjects Each Day

Instead of focusing on one or two subjects a day, you should develop the culture of studying multiple subjects each day. Deep diving into one subject might seem like a good idea, but you’ll end up learning very little at the end of the day.

Look at it this way, if you’re preparing for exam papers in maths, biology, and history, would you rather study one at a time or create time for each every day? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather make time for each subject every day.

Why do I say this?

Well, if you study too much of one subject on one day, you’re likely to get confused by similar information. Your brain has an easier time consolidating information when you compartmentalize your studying.

⦁ Periodically Review Information

Many students usually wait until the last minute to cram information. This is the worst way of studying because you’ll think you’ve retained the information when, in reality, you have not. By periodically reviewing information, you can make sure that everything you study is retained in your long term memory.

You have a better shot at moving information from your short term memory to your long term memory if you keep reviewing what you had studied. Studying is not something you get over and done with. As a student, you need to get into the habit of reminding yourself of what you learned at the beginning of the semester.

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⦁ Sit at the Front for each Lecture

Many students who are always sitting at the back don’t know why they do it other than the fact that they want to look cool. People with eye problems are not the only ones who should reverse seats and the front of the lecture hall.
If you want to learn more in less time, you have to make sure you’re attentive during lectures. Whereas there have to be students who’ll have to go for seats at the back, make sure you don’t do it at will. If you have the chance to choose where to sit in class, always go for the front seats.


It’s obvious that people at the front will hear the lecturer more clearly than those at the back. You’d be surprised at how many times people at the back get information wrong despite them being attentive.

⦁ Do Not Multitask

You heard that right! This might be an amazing hack for saving time in the morning when you’re preparing for school, but don’t let it cross over to your study time. Your brain works best with the order, and when you multitask during study time, your mind ends up being chaotic.

Multitasking translates to more distractions, which automatically make you less productive. Since your objective is to learn more in less time, you should go for a strategy that boosts your productivity during study time.
When you’re multitasking, it might feel like you’re doing a lot simultaneously, but in the end, you realize you’ve learned nothing.

⦁ Compress the Information as you Study

What does this even mean? Well, it simply means you should summarize your notes. As you study, there are always those key points that you feel like jotting down. Do just that.

If you want to cover two chapters in one sitting, don’t move to the next one, before summarizing the first one. When you summarize your notes, you have an easier time reviewing your notes.

Consider having a notebook dedicated to compressing notes during study time.

⦁ Put Pen on Paper

As much as the world is now digitalized, you should always take notes by hand instead of typing. Rather than carrying your laptop to lectures, buy a pen and an exercise book.

⦁ Test Yourself

Instead of waiting for exams to find out which areas you’re good at, you should frequently text yourself. This way, exams find you ready.

⦁ Read Key Point Out Loud

The sign in the library might say “silence, please,” but you’ll need to read out loud every once in a while. When you read key points out loud, your brain is more likely to retain the information.

⦁ Take Study Breaks

This is not a life and death situation. You need to take regular study breaks to let your brain internalize what you’ve been reading. Each time you feel like you’re pushing yourself too hard to understand a simple concept, your brain is trying to tell you that it needs a break.

⦁ Make a habit of Rewarding Yourself

It doesn’t matter how little the reward is; this is an excellent way of keeping yourself motivated and driven to learn more. Make sure the reward is something you fancy so that it means something.

⦁ Invest in the Process Rather than Focusing on the Outcome

When you invest in the outcome, the outcome takes you by surprise. Isn’t that what we all want?

⦁ Stay Hydrated

Since your brain is working so hard, you need to ensure it’s always hydrated. To avoid chronic dehydration, make sure you take eight glasses of water every day.

⦁ Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

To boost your brain activity, you need to exercise at least three times each week.

⦁ Get Enough Sleep

As a college student, you need to sleep at least eight hours every night.


There you have it! Fifteen amazing hacks to help you learn more in less time.

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