10 Things You Should Buy from Dhaka International Trade Fair

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Like every year Dhaka International Trade Fair is held in January this year. If you want to buy some goods with some good offers you can try this trade fair. Many countries including Iran, Japan, Thailand, Saudi Arab, Egypt have participated in this trade fair.

Dhaka Internation Trade Fair 2021 Location and Date

Venue Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka

Duration This Year: January 09 – February 08, 2021

Organizer Export Promotion Bureau and the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh.
Department: Dhaka International Trade Fair-2018 Secretariat
Person: Director
Tel : +88-2-55013420

Details are in this link.

Many Bangladeshi big companies like Walton, Pran, Akhter furniture have participated with a gorgeous premier pavilion in the fair. Many people just go to the trade fair to see what’s happening there, if you are this kind of person with a meager amount of money in your purse, you can try the below listed 10 things buy from the fair.

Funny Quotes of Dhaka International Trade Fair

Dhaka International Trade Fair Funny Quotes

Some Advice Before Going to International Trade Fair Bangladesh:

International Trade Fair of Bangladesh is also known as Dhaka banijya Mela. I am living in Dhaka city and already went to Dhaka International Trade Fair two times, so I have a fair experience of what to do and what not to do.

Try to follow the below advice before going to the trade fair.

  1. Take a Big Bag with you. It will help you put all the little things in a packet. With more packages, there is a chance of losing one or two.

2. Try to avoid going there in your private car. There are lots of traffic in the parking place of the trade fair. If you want to take your private car with you be sure to bring your driver. Otherwise, if you drive your car self, never come in your car. Another idea is you can park your car distance place known to you with enough security. Then come to the trade fair place by working.

DITF Balloon Tower

3. Avoid the national holiday to come to the trade fair. Usually crowding is the main problem of the trade fair. So if you want to buy your things from this fair, try to avoid the holiday like Friday and Saturday. If you can come to office time from 9 a.m. to 2 pm, you can find that the fair is a beautiful place to buy things at a relatively lower price.

4. Buying tickets from the International Trade Fair is the tricky part. Buy your get ticket from the Bkash E-DITF app. Buying the ticket for GATE entry to the fair is a little bit tough for females and children. If you want to go there with your family, you can buy the entry ticket with your Bkash wallet with DITF app. DITF means Dhaka International Trade Fair. In Bengali, we called Dhaka antorjatik banijjo Mela.

Official Online Ticket Address: https://ticket.e-ditf.com/ (The Link is not working now)

5. If you want to go there with your children, you can purchase on GPS tracker for your child. It is the blessing of wireless technology in recent days. There are lots of cheap GPS trackers on the market. It will make you safer if there is a chance of lost your baby. You can also set a point shop or some particular location in the fair. You have to tell your partner that if you detached from each other come to that. Every time there is a rush in the fare and crowding increases in the afternoon. Always hold the hand of your partner or your baby.

6. Never buy or eat food before confirming the price of that. If you are feeling hungry after lots of walking in the fair, you can try the ice cream shop of Igloo or polar stall. You can try the mango milk of the Igloo official stall.

7. Always try to figure out that the Stall or Pavilion is accepting the Bkash payment or not. This fair is the perfect place for expending the money which is in your Bkash Wallet. Usually, the cashout charge of Bkash is relatively high. So you can spend the money of the Bkash in this fair if the fair stall is accepting the payment method. No worries, there is also a Bkash Booth in the entry gate to cash out your Bkash wallet money. It will be a real handy if your liquid cash in your wallet is a little bit short for the expense.

Now I am discussing the top 10 things that should you buy from the Dhaka International Trade Fair. If your budget is from 1000 to 2000 that is the perfect scenario. I can describe buying some essential things from the fair.

10 Things You Should Not Miss to Buy from DITF

Number 1: Indian Sandal for Ladies
The sandal is pretty much cheap in the fair, and there are lots of international companies in the fair. One Indian tailor with one shop selling nice Indian shoes with only 1000 taka. If you are female and like the Nagra sandals, then definitely sandal will be the number one choice from the fair.

Number 2: Blazer for Gents

Fit Elegance Blazer Offer
Fit Elegance Blazer Offer

There are lots of blazer shop in the fair. Blazer is very cheap in the trade fair every year. As International Trade Fair held in winter blazer is the hottest product of all. Usually, the blazer piece costs around 500 to 7000 taka. But at the fair, you can buy one blazer as cheap as 1400 Taka only. So never miss the chance. Choose a beautiful blazer with only 1400 Taka. If you want some branded blazer, you can go to FIT elegance Pavillion, Price is 2600 taka there.

Number 3: Jira
There are various kinds of Iranian Stores at the fair. Iranian jeera has popularity all over the world. The usual price of the original Iranian Zera is 500 Taka per kg. If you take a bulk amount of jeera, you can buy it at a lower price.

Number 4: Biscuits and other Food Snacks

One of my colleagues gives status on Facebook that he buys all the biscuits from the offer from all the shops of the fair. Biscuits are really cheap at the fair.

Trade Fair Biscuit Offer

There are several companies of delicious cookie at the fair. Nabisco brand, Pran, All-time, etc provide some good offer for the bulk amount of biscuits. I have attached the All-time challenge compilation video of the trade fair.

Number 5: Electrical Equipments

If you are a Smart Gadget lover, you should try the Walton pavilion. They are giving smartphones, smart tablet smart laptops with a fare offer which is obviously a good deal to buy this kind of thing. Recently I purchased a 32 inch Walton smart LED television. You can also try buying a washing machine, blender machine awesome useful socket From the Pavilion

Number 6: Steel crockery
There are lots of stall and Pavilion who are selling the Steel crockeries. You can get Patil and fry pan at a very low price. You can also try the pressure cooker of various renowned companies with a price offer. I have bought a pressure cooker from the topper company who is the sister concern of Pran RFL company.

Number 7: Pickles
There are various kinds of delicious pickles of different countries are present in the fair. If you are dry pickle lover, you should try the Thailand Store. They are selling the sweet and sour dry tamarind and different Palm pickles. It is seedless and delicious to eat. If you are a lover of Asian country pickles, then you can try the Iranian or Indian stall. Pickles are very tasty and of a different ingredient like mango onion garlic etc.

Number 8: Baby Products
Baby products are usually very costly in our country. If you like to buy some bulk amount of baby products, this fare is the perfect place. There are a lot of international and national companies that are selling baby products. Huggies, Mamy Poco, and If you want to get some diapers for baby food powder milk you can buy in bulk amount at low price with some extra offers.

Number 9 Cosmetic

If you want to buy genuine cosmetics like face cream, perfume; Trade fair is the ideal place to purchase genuine International products. There are lots of international importers to give their stall and selling authentic perfume. Check the Hong Kong and Thailand stall for buying an excellent product. There are some herbal products you can buy for your face.

Number 10 Ornaments

Fair is the place where every woman tries to buy some clothes and fascinating shoes. But believe me, the products you see in the Dhaka International Trade Fair is always available in the Gausia and Newmarket. They are even very cheap in the outside market. If you are a female and try to buy some fancy ornaments, it will be a good idea

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